Posted : 3/17/2013 10:04:20 PM
Julie, is your nephew in school? I may have some ideas depending upon what has occurred so far.
My list of things to do, mostly tomorrow, but I can push some to throughout the week, is entirely too long. I was off Thursday and Friday, and decided to just be lazy and not do any extra stuff this weekend. Lots of calls and emails to get through, but I don't think it will take too long. I have an extra hour of work this week, tomorrow morning, with a certain kid. I'm not thrilled about it, but it has to be done.
I have tons of hours of videos also to let run on my computer. PA decided I need a license now, if I want to work with children with autism, starting in the end of May. Never mind that I have a certification that is internationally recognized, and I took an actual exam to get that. The license requires that you watch videos, which you don't even actually have to watch, and the "quiz" required is answering that you watched the video. I've got one playing in the background right now, with the volume muted. I've also got the tv on. The state claimed they would audit a certain percent of people and see if we really watched the videos. If they really do, which they don't have the time or money to, all they can tell is the amount of time you ran the video for. You can actually access the quizzes simply by clicking in and out of the videos and not watching. I figured since I actually questioned on the forum on the state website, I better at least run the stupid things. It's 90 total hours of training that people are supposed to get. It's all a big joke, because I sat in a room full of people on Friday who were all watching the videos the same way I am. Unfortunately, not everyone who can get the license actual has appropriate training in terms of how they obtained their degrees. This obviously will make things so much better for the people who are supposed to be served by it. I need to also add composing letters to my state rep and whoever oversees this stupidity to my to do list.