Posted : 10/11/2007 9:32:34 AM
Not sure why the duh was necessary....that's a bit rude?
I didn't say it to be rude. I say that often to mean, "This is obvious". My statement was "we all choose the way we work with dogs because we think it's best. Duh." Meaning of course we choose what we think is best. Why would we choose a method that we thought wouldn't work? That's all I meant. I apologize if it was interpreted as rude. I have no reason to be rude at this point. I'm thrilled with the progress of this thread and do not want to do anything to threaten that.
If an owner's preference is to be harsh with a soft dog...IMO that is not okay...and I will say so. And so will many others there's that.
To be clear on exactly what's being put forth, I think a lot of definitions of terms would be necessary and I'm not so interested in agreeing on what we mean by "harsh", "soft", "direct", "physical" or "intuitive". That's where the argument comes in. My interest lies in bridging the gap by being LESS judgmental and dissecting of each others methods and MORE understanding and accepting of the fact that we're all doing what we think is best for our dogs.
Who is this "we"?
When I said "we", I meant the people who are involved in this discussion on this board, in this thread. The people that I have seen actively involved in the "Cesar discussions" here in the few months I've been here. The people who care so much as to post over and over again in an effort to come to some kind of understanding with each other and help each other with our dogs and their issues.
THOSE people are the one's we need to be keeping in mind when we make suggestions
In my opinion, those people are probably pretty smart, too, and more importantly, love their dogs and may be searching for different points of view and different methods with which to deal with their dogs. I agree it's important to keep them in mind. I've mentioned this a couple times in this thread. However, they are responsible for what they ultimately do and I'm not. That may sound cold, but I cannot be responsible for anyone else's choices. I'm not advocating cruelty here. I'm not advocating anything, actually. I'm saying what works for me.
Just wanted to repost this...because I do think it is a factor fueling these types of thread.
Do you see this happening or is it just a warning so it doesn't happen? What I see is discussion. I see responses to particular points made by different posters (agreement, disagreement, explanation), but I don't see "dissecting" of anything in this thread. I know I'm giving my opinion. I'm not searching for further meaning in their words or telling them what they mean or what they feel or picking apart what they say.