Hi all.
Here is the problem - My dog chews up and destroys my plants. Anything that does not have thorns, scales or "weapons" of some kind is a suspect to being destroyed. He does not eat them at all but only chews branches off and leaves them lying right there, usually does not even take it anywhere. I wrapped what i could with aluminum foil as he is scared of it to death and that seems to work But...
He finds unwrapped sides and destroyed those or moves on to the next plant i did not think about, etc basically finding ways to get the harm done. And our entire yard looks like an alien landing zone with all the foil all over the place.
He does NOT do it when we home and can watch him and discipline him. He only does it when he is alone and we are at work. He used to try to chew plants and grass in the park when taken to the walk but after million of "No, stop that" he does not do that anymore.
I realize he probably does it from being bored and not to piss me off like no tomorrow (You know how hard it is to grow stuff here in desert Arizona?)
We excersie him as much as our busy schedules allow. We take him to the park every evening to walk around and if he is lucky to play with his doggie friends. Real dog park on the weekend. My wife tries to run with him in the morning b4 work for about 20 min or so. He has a bunch of toys left for him when we are gone.
And yet, he still causes this mischief. I am open to hear all and any suggestions and recomendations.
Thanks a ton :)