Puppy pees on pads, poops on floor

    • Puppy

    Puppy pees on pads, poops on floor

    Our new 8 week old Cairn Terrier quickly learned to use pads for peeing but does not use them for pooping. He has gone at least a half dozen different places, and only one or two times on a pad (followed of course by copious praise). The spot is cleaned with an enzymatic cleaner, but how can we get him to use the pads for both?
    • Gold Top Dog

    8 wks is pretty young to be taken away from littermates.  It's going to take time, consistency and a whole lot of patience.

    • Gold Top Dog

    When Maggie was little, I kept constant tabs on her...You'll know when he goes into "gonna poopie" mode, and you pick him up, tuck his tail between his legs, put him on the piddle pads, and praise him when he poops on it.  That was how we housebroke Maggie...and it only took 2 weeks.