Posted : 12/27/2009 11:12:00 AM
The term may be familiar, but it is not accurate, and deliberately perpetuating the myth of dominance is not helpful. Leadership is not the same as dominance
I don't think of it as deliberately perpetuating a myth, it is a term that was coined and used in past generations, and most children follow by example and so it goes on. It is a very easy to remember terminology that clicks in a persons mind. You say ALPHA and the first thing that comes to mind is what? For most people it is going to mean, leader, first and in charge, for some it will mean dominance.
I agree with Kim, it is going to take a long time for it to become unfashionable to say it. It will take even longer with current main stream media. People as a whole do not step out of their comfort zone, or go looking for new ways. There will always be people that buck the system, if there wasn't we would still be rubbing puppy noses in accidents and there would be no other type of training examples out there. Not everyone followed the ALPHA principle.
The problem is this, the ones who need the lesson and the guidance, do not read Mech, or head to the local library for a Pryor book. They do what they were taught, and believe it to be truth, like a tradition so to speak. That is who needs to be roped in.
Oh, a new word...hmmm....