Posted : 12/11/2009 3:31:44 PM
Oh the stories I could tell about kids and dogs and cats and Christmas trees!!!
The only thing that Bevo every chewed that he wasn't supposed to, other than me, was the Christmas tree. He was 6 months old, & he had been great about ignoring the tree for about two weeks, so I wasn't watching him as well as I should. I left him at home, uncrated (he was reliable in the house, so it wasn't outside the norm) while I ran to the store. I was only gone for 30 minutes, at the most, but I came home to a completely destroyed tree.
Apparently, he liked the taste of Christmas tree, because he chewed the entire top off! All of the glass balls were shattered, & the pads of his feet were cut to pieces. He ended up having to be knocked out to have shards of glass pulled from his feet.