Posted : 12/24/2009 12:15:38 PM
How much exposure has your mastiff had to other dogs and puppies outside the home?
Lots. Until she was about 9 months, we had her in puppy classes, open-play boarding, and the dog park. You don't get a bullmastiff expecting a social butterfly, but I was determined to make sure she had positive experiences with other dogs and learned how to behave, respect boundaries, read signals, etc.
She's also grown up with her big sister, the rescued GSD mix. As tightly wound up and leash/fence reactive as the mix is, she's also an excellent talker off leash -- she is very expressive, knows exactly how to talk to other dogs, and respects cues to back off. Really good with little puppies as well. Good role model except for that whole terrotorial/fence/leash psycho bit.
At nine months, it was clear she was starting to learn she could use her weight and size to get away with rude behavior, so no more dog park or any other unstructured play. Little dogs were getting to be an issue especially. The trigger would go like this: Even though our dog park has a separate small-dog area, someone would always walk into the big-dog area carrying a tiny breed and put the shivering tyke down right in the most crowded area. My bullmastiff runs up. She's got her play invitations correct but is way too rough and doesn't respect warning signs. Little dog snarls, then barks, then snaps. My puppy is now way too agitated for the park, and I take her out. Since a couple of those incidents she's just taken to hating on little dogs.
I had expected her to know the difference between an adult, small dog and a baby, though. And I don't expect a bullmastiff to love other dogs, but I do expect her to respect my choices who and what to let into the house. The mix got it just right. She kept her distance, sniffed politely when invited, and stayed out of the way when she saw her younger sister get tense. It wasn't that we weren't clearly communicating that this animal belonged to us humans, so why was she so intent on getting her mouth on that puppy? I'm going to have to figure this out somehow, or we can't consider ever fostering, adopting, or otherwise adding to the pack later.