
    • Bronze


    Hi everyone. After I took training course, I considered getting a treadmill for Mikey to run on indoors. Cesar showed how a dog can be given plenty of exercise while learning how to use one, but I am a bit hesitant to do it with Mikey. The dogs in the videos adapted well and eventually loved it, but does anyone have any first hand experience with this? Would anyone NOT recommend it?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Two of my dogs run on a treadmill every morning.  One is starting to have some sort of issue but that's another post.  Both were started with the treadmill off. This is how I do it. Get a tasty treat and lure the dog on and give the treat.  Off and on with a treat only when the dog is ON the treadmill.  Do this for at least 10 rep's and do it for a few days.  Soon my dogs were running in and jumping on the treadmill.  When you are ready to start the treadmill, have a flat collar the dog can't slip out of and a lead on.  Get the dog on as usual, straddle the dog with your dog between your legs and your feet on the outside edge of the treadmill.  Hold the dog's lead and start the treadmill very slowly.  Both my dogs were freaked at first, duh, the earth is moving. The will try to either get off the front or they won't walk and will start to go off the back.  You, having hold of the lead, will prevent either of these from happening.  Start with very short sessions and you may have to remain in place for a while (days,maybe weeks) depends on the dog. Stay positive, reward with yummy treats and don't get frustrated if they don't seem to be getting it.  Don't ever tie your dog to the treadmill and leave the room!  My dog Rex and until recently Belle both get on the treadmill and wait for their treat every morning.  Rex, especially, looks like a wolf on a long distance journey.  He has a very ground eating gait yet very smooth. My DH or I stay in the room when a dog is on the treadmill just in case although neither one has ever even acted as though they wanted to get off once they got started.  You have to play around to find a comfortable speed for the dog.  I have started a few friends dogs on the treadmill for them and all have been a little different but if you stay calm the dog will see that there is no danger.  On the Dog Whisperer it seems to happen in a few minutes but my experience has been that it takes some time for the dog to "get it".  There is at least one other member who runs his dog on a treadmill (race professor?) and he probably can give you some tips.

    • Bronze
    Great, thanks!
    • Gold Top Dog
    My jacks get on the treadmill during the winter.