Underweight, seemingly starving GSD

    • Gold Top Dog

    Yes, it has to be exclusive of feet, beaks, feathers and fur, but that doesn't leave much other than fat and organs when you think about it.  And suppose the company gets a ton of say hearts one week (muscle meat) and a ton of livers (organ) the next, and this weeks byproduct is mostly heart, next weeks, mostly liver, well, that isn't great for the balancing of what the dog actually needs. That's my biggest fear with bypoduct, other than the "ick" factor.  Organ should average 5% of the dogs daily diet, so it concerns me when companies start tossing in organ as bypoduct, willy nilly.


       While I agree that duck meal is preferable to duck by product meal, I don't think a company can add mostly heart one week and livers the next and keep the kibble balanced since organ meats are very high in minerals and some vitamins; JMO.

    "Good luck and don't forget about the diary!  You will be amazed at how much more seriously your vet will take you."

     This is excellent advice from brookcove; it can really help to pinpoint the source of his problems. He's beautiful, by the way. Big Smile 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Just popping in to say I hope he's still doing well and maybe has put on a pound or two.  I know how it can be watching and worrying over weight from rehabbing Indie.  Every pound is hard won and cause for celebration.  Not to mention the constant poop inspection!  LOL