Posted : 9/19/2009 10:21:21 PM
I've not had to deal with chronic pancreatic insufficiency specifically -- but I've had two dogs with widely varied cases of pancreatitis. (One had to be managed for her entire life -- with was 18 years and she lived to be nearly 21.)
Is the powder a pre-digestive enzyme? Can you tell me what it is specifically? Is it an over-the counter thing? (i.e., tell me what it is and I've got someone who *might* be able to get it in the US if I could ship it to you I would.)
Typically there is a lot of diet management -- and in fact, that's where I began cooking for my dogs - back when Prissy first got out of the dog hospital (this was ... er ... literally 34 years ago *sigh*) the vet handed me a piece of paper with a "recipe" on it and told me if I wanted to keep her healthy and alive I'd fix that for her -- FOREVER. It was essentially a low protein diet of hamburger, rice, a tiny bit of garlic powder and an egg. Not what you'd all superior nutrition but she did thrive on it. As long as she didn't get hold of a pecan or walnut or something else that would drive the pancreas wacko.
I'm giggling -- cos now I'm still cooking, but no grain ... and about 50% meat and 50% veggies (Pris would have turned her little pom/peke nose up at THAT I assure you!! LOL altho I've learned a thing or thirty about fixing them since that time LOL)