I feel like a terrible dog owner, for being so HAPPY that something is wrong with my dog, LOL. She's been doing miserably, lately. She's getting FAT. Disgustingly fat, for a dog with joint issues, and I've cut her food back from 2 1/2 cups plus treats to 1 cup with no treats. Still a chub monster. She's been super achey, and VERY testy. She's also, as usual, itching like crazy.
The thyroid being fixed can help her allergies, seizures, attitude, pain, and hopefully she'll shed some pounds without having to be absolutely starved. The best part? Her T4 is normal. I almost had to throw a hissy fit, right in the vet's office, to stop them from doing a T4 and sending me on my merry way. They sent it to Michigan, and two of the numbers were normal, two borderline, and three low. Her vet is calling MSU to get the interpretation and dosage she'll need. This is VERY good news!