Posted : 10/22/2009 9:23:39 PM
When you take in a sample do they JUST do a float or do they actually look at it under a microscope?
Billy woke me up this morning throwing up. But what REALLY horrified me was that he threw up FOOD and hadn't eaten in over 12 hours!! YIPE.
So I raced him to the vet this morning and the vet was immediately as concerned as I was (throwing up undigested food after 12 hours is a big huge BAD sign of stuff like renal failure) so I was freaking out to be honest.
But ... he took a fecal first thing and not only floated it but looked at it under a microscope. AND .. he found grain mites!!
Now some dogs are bothered, some aren't -- but bottom line in Billy's case they made his intestinal tract so irritated that it didn't want to accept stuff from the stomach -- so food stayed in the stomach WAY too long (excessive digestive acids and that made him SICK).
I'm NOT NOT NOT sayig Gibby has this -- my point is do they actually LOOK at it to see if they can identify things or just doing a passing float to see if there is something typical?
It's just that some vets never do that kind of stuff -- and sometimes that's what it takes to identify something like this that plagues a dog. (and yeah - when we went to the car, Billy took a big dump and the first half was 'normal' and the second half was diarreha. All SORTS of things can cause diarreha).