Posted : 9/13/2009 4:37:56 PM
I saw what looked like white hair inside his poop. There were quite a few "white hairs." Could this be worms? I'm going to take a fecal sample to his vet tomorrow for peace of mind, but was wondering if it could be worms. He takes Interceptor every month, never missed a dose. I thought dogs couldn't get worms on this medication?
"white hair" does NOT sound like tapeworm to me -- tape worms resemble white square pieces or a longer segmented strip of small square pieces. Then when they are out of the body and you see them in poop -- it's gross -- they *wriggle*. But later they look like dried pieces of rice (either in their bedding or stuck to their bums).
I would honestly take the dog to the vet and let the vet SEE the dog and take their own sample. Because the dog may well be anemic IF it is whips (and it sounds more like whips).
Interceptor only stays in the body about 24 hours. So once a month it kills all parasites. BUT if the dog gets infected later after the med was given yes, the dog can have hooks, whips, or heartworm microfilaria. Interceptor is a better drug than other heartworm preventives because it DOES deal with these things on a monthly basis. But whips are nasty, nasty things ... they can debilitate some dogs VERY fast.