Tiki collapsed this morning, after her bath. She was having a lot of trouble breathing, so I held her for a couple minutes...when I looked at her gums they were BLUE. I scooped her up and called my vet on the way there, luckily we live 5 minutes down the road so by the time we got off the phone, I was practically there.
My vet and techs are WONDERFUL - I held an oxygen mask on her while Dr. J checked her over. Her heart rate was low (in the 50's) and so was her BP :( They gave her some medicine to boost her heart rate up and took another quick x-ray and did another ECG - the ECG showed us a problem this time.
Tiki has 'sick sinus syndrome with bradycardia' - the sinus node in her heart doesn't tell it to beat fast enough, and it beats too slow. We added another medicine, and Dr. J upped the Lasix. She gave me a cough suppressant, too, since Tiki's been coughing a lot and was coughing before she collapsed this morning.
Please keep her in your thoughts - specifically 'good heart rate' vibes! She's such a sweet little girl and I don't know if BF and I are ready to let her go yet.