Posted : 8/18/2009 10:20:39 AM
No -- vet, absolutely as soon as possible. Any time you see diarreha for more than a day or two, you need to vet her. PARTICULARLY when you see vomiting and diarreha at the same time. A pup can become horribly dehydrated quickly -- and puppies are SO prone to the really difficult diseases.
The off-color poop is a big indicator something is wrong. Yes, you can let it go when a dog has abnormal poop for a day or two, but nothing like that many days
Especially with a pup, not feeding for 24 hours is dangerous. Yes, it's what you'd do with an older dog, but puppies grow rapidly and really need FREQUENT feeding, so when something interrupts that it's pretty serious. Just given that this has gone on day after day -- please vet her.
You know, a few years ago such symptoms might not have been scarey -- but in this day auto-immune diseases are pretty scarey and at times mysterious symptoms that go on and on can be the only heads-up you will get.
The orangey poop may simply indicate something like irritable bowel - but she's too young to want that to be the case and given that you saw blood, man, I'd have been at the vet Monday morning.
I'm hoping that the vet will simply tell you that you dodged a bullet but she should have rebounded FAR quicker and the fact that she hasn't would worry me seriously. Diarreha and vomiting are debilitating.
Your "first aid" measures were sensible, but honestly she's just not bouncing back like a puppy should.