So, Kira's incision came totally apart!

    • Gold Top Dog

    thanks everyone.  That one staple is still in enough that it won't come out...the rest are mostly in.  I have a feeling the vet (whomever I take her to tomorrow) will take them out.  I'm so keyed up and still on the verge of tears every time I even look at her, and I can't get to sleep.  The night before her surgery, I got 4 hours, last night was 3.5 and here I am, awake at almost 1am again.  I just wanted to do what was best for her, and the right thing to do, and it backfired on me.  I felt so apprehensive before I left her there, and I feel now that I should have canceled the appt and gone somewhere else.  My pets are like my babies, and I am really upset that she's hurting and having to wear that stupid E collar and be stuck in her crate.  I let her sleep on the air conditioning vent most of tonight, but I just took her out to pee, and she went right in her crate, so I gave her a biscuit and closed the door.  She's settled in, so I think she's okay.  Now if her hu-mama could just get some rest.  I'm making my husband go with me tomorrow...I had to deal with tonight's episode alone, and I wished for the support at the time.  I feel that she'll be okay, but I think it's going to be a long haul.  Misty is going nuts trying to check on her all the time...she knows something isn't right.  I have the kitchen all blocked off so no small children or Misty can get in.

    Well, I'm going to try and get some sleep.  It may be a rough day for me tomorrow, and a rougher one for Kira.  She's been a total trooper though...even when that sadistic vet put the staples in without any anesthetic. That was cruel.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Well the e-collar is a good idea with puppies, complication or not.

    The vet I work for doesn't use glue on spay incisions, just neuters. Not to say it isn't perfectly effective in many cases, but sometimes it doesn't work with some animals.  The staples are likely fine..they often look less than secure and don't lie flush with the skin.  Having had staples for an appendectomy years ago, they do look quite odd

    It seems the glue just didn't hold, but there are subcutaneous sutures under that that obviously did. Since it is all closed up now, a course of antibiotics should help prevent any issues and she should heal nicely.  Make sure when you have her seen that you mention you started her on antibiotics at home. Is she the same weight as when she was originally prescribed them? You'll want to make sure the dosing is correct


    ETA that it really isn't the SPCA vet's fault. No one can predict which animals will have issues with glue

    • Gold Top Dog

    Glad your husband is going with you tomorrow.  I hope she's feeling better soon for you!

    • Gold Top Dog


    The rescue lady helped me dose her properly.  I hope she was right.  I'll tell the vet when we go what she was taking.  It's double what she was prescribed at 20lbs for her kennel cough.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Gosh that sucks!  I rarely hear of problems with the glue used here, though they do go with sutures or staples if the dog is over a certain weight I think (maybe 60lbs).  Good luck today - I'll be thinking of you guys today.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Poor Kira, and poor you.  I know you are worried about her, good luck at the vet today.  I've only dealt with glue with cats neutering.  Every other surgery I've dealt with has been sutures.  I suppose because my babies have been over the weight limit.  Just as well, though....I think the gluing would make me nervous as well on a spay.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Well, everything's still holding together so far.  Her appt with our regular vet is at 12:20, so we'll be heading out soon.  She didn't whimper or anything all night, and was looking for more food when she finished her breakfast this morning, so I feel like she's feeling better.  I've been putting neosporin on her booboo too, and today she was much less skittish about it.  I have a tummy ache nerves are shot.  My husband sent me upstairs this morning to go back to bed, and I slept for 2.5 hours, so hopefully I'll feel less weepy and irrational today!!!

    I'll post about her vet visit when we return.